Updated 23 June, 2019

All commands are typed in in-game chat and begin with a  /   Commands have access levels and won't work for you if your level is too low.

Waypoints are player managed personal teleports.
You can specify how many waypoints indivuals or groups of players can have and apply other restrictions on their use.
Pairs of waypoints can be linked to create a portal. Portals differ in that the player steps into them to activate them.
Waypoints can be shared with a players friends and they can step into their portals as well. Portals can be unlinked which reverts them to waypoints.

Waypoint Commands:

/clear all waypoints {optional player name}
Delete all your waypoints (anyone can do this) or those of a named player (only admins)

/waypoints {player name} (list a player's waypoints)
/waypoints range {distance} (list all waypoints within range of your position)
/waypoints near {player or location} range {distance} (list all waypoints within range of a player or location)
List the waypoints of a player or within {distance} of your current position or the location of another player or location.

/set max waypoints {number} (server wide)
/set max waypoints {player name} number {number} (for a specific player)
/set max waypoints donors {number} (for donors)
Set the max number of waypoints players can have or a specific player can have.

/set waypoint cooldown {number} (seconds)
Set how long in seconds players must wait between uses of waypoints

/set waypoint cost {number}
Set a price to use waypoints. Players must have sufficient Zennies to teleport.

/set waypoint create cost {number}
Set a price to create waypoints. Players must have sufficient Zennies

/set waypoints public/private
Make waypoints accessible to all (except new players) or restricted to donors only.

/clear wp {name}
Delete a named waypoint. If they are linked, this also unlinks them.

/close wp {waypoint name}
Make a waypoint private again. This is its default state.

/open wp {waypoint name}
Share a waypoint with your friends.

/set wp {waypoint name}
Create or move your first waypoint where you are standing. It retains its current status if it already exists.

/link wp {name of wp1} to {name of wp2}
Link your waypoints to create a portal instead. In this mode you cannot teleport to them, instead you activate them by stepping into them.

/unlink wp {name of waypoint}
Close your portal and convert each end back into two waypoints which you can then teleport to as normal.

/wp or /wp1 or /{your name}
Teleport to your first waypoint.