Updated 23 June, 2019

All commands are typed in in-game chat and begin with a  /   Commands have access levels and won't work for you if your level is too low.

Teleport Commands:

/tele {name} delete
Delete a teleport.

/enabletp {player name}
/disabletp {player name}
Allows a player to use teleport commands. Only staff can specify a player, otherwise it defaults to whoever issued the command.
Note: Players can set/unset this on themselves too.

/tele {name} enable
/tele {name} disable
Enable or disable a teleport.

/tele {name} one way
/tele {name} two way
Teleports are a pair of coordinates and the second coordinate placed is the destination.
You can make it work in one direction only or both ways (loop). They are two way teleports by default.

/tele {teleport name} private
/tele {teleport name} public
Make the teleport private or public. New teleports are private by default.

/tele {name} owner {player name}
Assign ownership of a teleport to a player. Only they and their friends can use it (and staff)

/set teleport cost {number}
Set a price for all private teleporting (excludes public locations). Players must have sufficient Zennies to teleport.

/set teleport delay {number}
Set a time delay for player initiated teleport commands. The player will see a PM informing them that their teleport will happen in x seconds. The default is 0 and no PM will be sent.

/tele {name} access min {minimum access level} max {maximum access level}
/tele {name} access min {minimum access level}
/tele {name} access max {maximum access level}
Set a player access level requirement to activate a teleport.
Teleports are not access level restricted by default and the min and max are both 0. Set them to 0 to remove an access restriction.
Note: Access levels are not player levels. See /help access
eg. To limit to donors /tele test access min 10. No need to set max as only admins are higher.
eg. To limit to new players /tele newbies access min 99 max 99.

/enable/disable p2p
Allow or block players teleporting to other players via shared waypoints or teleporting to friends.

/show/hide teleports
If bot commands are hidden from chat, you can have the bot announce whenever a player teleports to a location (except /home).

/enable/disable teleporting
Toggle ability of players using teleport commands. Admins can still teleport.

/enable/disable return (enabled is default)
After being teleported somewhere, players can type /return to be sent back to where they came from.
This is enabled by default but you can disable them. Admins are not affected by this setting.

/enable/disable stuck
Enable or disable the /stuck command. Default is enabled.

/set pack cooldown {number in seconds}
By default players can type /pack when they respawn after a death to return to close to their pack. You can set a delay and/or a cost before the command is available after a death.

/set pack cost {number}
By default players can type /pack or /revive when they respawn after a death to return to close to their pack. You can set a delay and/or a cost before the command is available after a death.

/tp {player name}
/tp {name of teleport}
/tp {X coord} {Y coord} {Z coord}
/tp #1 (tele to the coords of a line in a numbered list eg. from /list saves)
/north/south/east/west {distance}
Teleport yourself to a player, a coordinate, a named teleport, or a distance in a compass direction (north, south, east or west).

/tele {name} end
Complete a teleport ending at your location or move an existing teleport's end to you.

/tele {name} start
Create a teleport starting at your location or move an existing teleport's start to you.

/fetch {player name}
Move a player to your current location (staff cannot be fetched).

List the teleports.

Teleport close to where you last died.

Teleport back to where you came from before your last teleport command. Locations support a 2nd return if you teleport within the location more than once without leaving it.

/tele {name} end size {radius in blocks}
Set the size of the exit point of a pair of teleports. The default is 3 wide (1.5 radius)

/tele {name} start size {radius in blocks}
Set the size of the starting point of a pair of teleports. The default is 3 wide (1.5 radius)

Teleport you to the highest ground level at your location.

/view teleport {named teleport}
View all the settings of a teleport.