Updated 23 June, 2019

All commands are typed in in-game chat and begin with a  /   Commands have access levels and won't work for you if your level is too low.

Friend Commands:

/player {player} friend {other player}
eg. /player joe friend mary
Admins can force a player to friend another player with this command. It only applies to the bot, not the game itself.

/friend {player}
Tell the bot that a player is your friend. The bot can also read your friend list directly from the game. If you only friend them using this command, they will not be friended on the server itself only in the bot.

/clear friends {player} (only admins can specify a player)
Clear your friends list. Note that this does not unfriend players that you friended via your game. You will need to unfriend those players there yourself.

/unfriend {player}
Unfriend a player.

/friendme {player}
Admins can force a player to be their friend with this command. It only applies to the bot, not the game itself.

/friends {player} (only admins can specify a player)
List your friends.

/unfriendme {player}
/unfriendme everyone
Unfriend a player or everyone. This command is for admins only.